Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
09:00 – 10:30
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Cybersecurity in Healthcare
R. Scharinger, F. Hoheiser-Pförtner
Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von Digital Health
Die Session Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von digital Health gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Praxisbeispiele und Herangehensweisen an Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen aus ökonomischer Perspektive.
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Gerald Gredinger Health Expert, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
Vorträge (je 15 min & 5 min Diskussion):
Beate Jahn Associate Professor Institute of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment UMIT TIROL – University for Health Sciences and Technology |
Gesundheitsökonomie weiter gedacht - Integration von kurz und langfristiger Evidenz und verschiedenen Blickwinkeln |
Noemi Kiss Österreichische Gesundheitskasse Competence Center Integrierte Versorgung |
Digitalisierte PROMs und PREMs-Erhebung für patientenzentrierte Gesundheitsdaten |
Birgit Trukeschitz Forschungsinstitut für Alterökonomie, WU Wien |
Bringen Fitness-Apps was? - Die Effektivität von Fitness Apps für Senior*innen |
Tobias Polzer & Selin Öner Kula Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Accountability in Collaborative Public Governance in Times of Crisis. Analysis of the Discussion about a Digital Public Health Innovation in a Polarised Social Forum |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
eHealth Strategie - Barometer
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #1 - AI, LLMs and Digital Twins
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #1
AI, LLMs and Digital Twins
Chairs: Details follow soon.
- Enhancing Malignancy Detection and Tumor Classification in Pathology Reports: A Comparative Evaluation of Large Language Models
Sabrina B. NEURURER, Hasan TAHA, Helmut MUEHLBOECK, Christoph HICKMANN, Patricia GSCHEIDLINGER, Stefan RICHTER, Martin DANLER, Werner O. HACKL, Marko UEBEREGGER, Marco SCHWEITZER and Bernhard PFEIFER - Development of a Synthetic Oncology Pathology Dataset for Large Language Model Evaluation in Medical Text Classification
Werner O. HACKL, Sabrina B. NEURURER, Stefan RICHTER, Hasan TAHA, Helmut MUEHLBOECK, Christoph HICKMANN, Patricia GSCHEIDLINGER, Martin DANLER, Marco SCHWEITZER, Marko UEBEREGGER and Bernhard PFEIFER - LLM-Driven Adjustments in Serious Games: A Feasibility Analysis
Ivana MOSTACHETTI, Andrea VITALI, Daniele REGAZZONI, Caterina RIZZI and Giovanni Pietro SALVI - Exploring the Potential of Non-Proprietary Language Models for Analysing Patient-Reported Experiences
Kerstin DENECKE - Acceptance and Usage of AI Applications in Health-Focused NGOs
Franziska HAUER, Maximilian SCHULTZ, Sonja HAUG and Karsten WEBER - From Concept to Practice: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Twins in Clinical Engineering
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
11:00 – 12:30

Opening Session
Opening address
Opening Keynote
Opening Keynote
Breaking Boundaries: Harnessing AI in Healthcare for Transatlantic Data Exchange and Integrated Diagnostics
Joe Lennerz
Chief Scientific Officer,
Joe Lennerz, MD, PhD is the Chief Scientific Officer at BostonGene. In this capacity, Dr. Lennerz is responsible for management of the product lifecycle, optimizing data utilization, and overseeing regulatory science initiatives. The role is pivotal in supporting BostonGene’s position as a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for molecular-genetic and immune profiling in the field.
Before BostonGene, Dr. Lennerz served as the Associate Chief of Pathology and the Medical Director of the Center for Integrated Diagnostics at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. His leadership focused on overseeing all aspects of personalized diagnostics and ensuring the rapid and financially cognizant integration of innovative technologies into clinical practice.
Dr. Lennerz completed his MD and a PhD in molecular medicine at the University of Erlangen, Germany. He trained at Washington University and MGH and is dual board certified by the American Board of Pathology (AP) and the American Board of Medical Genetics (MGP).
Dr. Lennerz's expertise extends to regulatory science, molecular-genetic biomarkers, payer operations, and the financial sustainability of high-complexity diagnostics. He served as the principal investigator in the first FDA instrument precision study for a whole slide scanning system. His dedication to advancing healthcare and diagnostics is evident through his multifaceted contributions in academia, regulatory science, and personalized medicine.
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
13:30 – 15:00

Geschäftsmodell dHealth - Mythos oder Realität?
Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
H. Ostermann
Geschäftsmodell dHealth - Mythos oder Realität?
Die Hoffnungen an dHealth als Zukunftsbranche liegen hoch: Nicht nur ist es unbestritten, dass Gesundheit in unseren Gesellschaften als maßgeblicher Bereich der (sozialen) Daseinsvorsorge und zugleich Motor für wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten an Bedeutung zunimmt, gleichzeitig wird auch der Digitalisierung das Potenzial zugesprochen, die damit verbundenen personellen und finanziellen Herausforderungen zu meistern und zugleich bessere Lösungen aber auch Zugänglichkeit für die Versorgung zu bieten. Aus theoretischer Sicht also eine Win-Win-Win für die zu versorgende Bevölkerung, Leistungsanbieter und Systemsteuerung. Nichtsdestotrotz ist in Europa und auch Österreich – anders als in anderen Branchen – noch keine weitreichende Durchdringung der Dienstleistungserstellung mit digitalen Anwendungen zu verzeichnen und viele zunächst erfolgsversprechende Lösungen scheitern zuerst in der Inanspruchnahme und in weiterer Folge wirtschaftlich.
Die Session untersucht das Geschäftsmodell dHealth aus wissenschaftlich-analytischer Sicht, aus Sicht der translationalen Forschungs- und Wirtschaftsförderung sowie aus Unternehmenssicht.
Es moderiert Herwig Ostermann - 4 Präsentationen werden gefolgt von einer 25-30 minütigen Diskussion.
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Herwig Ostermann Geschäftsführer, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH Associate Professor, UMIT Tirol |
Vorträge (je 15 min):
Anne Busch FH Wiener Neustadt |
Sicht der Wissenschaft (Arbeitstitel) |
Michaela Topolnik EIT Health |
Sicht der translationalen Forschung (Arbeitstitel) |
Eva Czernohorszky Wirtschaftsagentur Wien |
Sicht der Wirtschaftsförderung (Arbeitstitel) |
Fredrik Debong hi.health |
Sicht der Praxis (Arbeitstitel) |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
S. Sabutsch
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #2 - Machine Learning, AI and Telehealth - Finals of the Student Competitions
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #2
Machine Learning, AI and Telehealth - Finals of the Student Competitions
Chairs: Details follow soon.
- Federated Learning for Healthcare: Class Imbalance Mitigation and Feature Drift Detection
Jennifer ANDRES, Hannes HILBERGER, Sten HANKE and Markus BÖDENLER - Comparison of Algorithms for Artifact Detection of Perioperative Blood Pressure Data: A Retrospective Analysis
Melanie Maria KUHRN, Mathias MALECZEK, Daniel LAXAR, Lorenz KAPRAL, Yannic-Tomas ABULESZ, Christoph DIBIASI and Oliver KIMBERGER - REVIVAL - Digital PREMs Data Collection from Cancer Survivors
Dominic WILLI, Karin KENNEL, Kerstin DENECKE and Serge BIGNENS - Applying Machine Learning to Gait Analysis Data for Hip Osteoarthritis Diagnosis
Anna GHIDOTTI, Daniele REGAZZONI, Caterina RIZZI and Gennaro FIORENTINO - A Machine Learning-Based Risk Assessment Model for Poor Postoperative Pain Outcome
Claudia KAGERER, Stefanie JAUK, Diether KRAMER, Alexander AVIAN, Thomas NEUMANN, Maria SCHLÖGL and Andreas SANDNER-KIESLING - Classifying Type 2 Diabetes Using N-Glycan Profiling and Machine Learning Algorithms
Veronika GOMBAS, Rebeka TOROK, Marta VITAI, Laszlo KORANYI, Gabor JARVAS, Andras GUTTMAN and Agnes VATHY-FOGARASSY
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
15:15 – 16:45

AI in Austria 2025: Einblick und Ausblick
Future Health Lab
S. Meryn
AI in Austria 2025: Einblick und Ausblick
Einer Einleitung durch die Moderation folgen 4 Präsentationen. Die Session wird mit einer abschließenden Diskussion mit dem Auditorium beendet.
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Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez Head of Department for International Affairs, Policy, Evaluation and Digitalisation (IPED) & Head of Digital Health and Innovation, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
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Siegfried Meryn Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Medizinische Universität Wien; Gesundheitsexperte und Vorsitzender, ORF-Gesundheitsbeirat |
Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
AI Mapping und AI Act Austria |
Diether Kramer Predicting Health GmbH |
KI und klinische Entscheidungsunterstützung: Wie kommt das im klinischen Alltag an |
Günter Klambauer LIT AI Lab & ELLIS Unit Linz, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
KI-Systeme und Sprachmodelle für Medizin und Gesundheitswesen |
Georg Langs Comprehensive Center for AI in Medicine, MedUni Wien |
KI: Brücke zwischen Klinik und Forschung |
Ulrike Attenberger Department für Radiologie, Medizinische Universität Wien |
Accountability in Collaborative Public Governance in Times of Crisis. Analysis of the Discussion about a Digital Public Health Innovation in a Polarised Social Forum |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Gesundheitsportale in Österreich - Einblicke und Ausblicke
Wiener Gesundheitsverbund
M. Binder
Gesundheitsportale in Österreich - Einblicke und Ausblicke
Die Zeit für die flächendeckende Einführung von Gesundheitsportalen ist gekommen – doch zwischen Ankündigungen und tatsächlicher Umsetzung besteht weiterhin eine erhebliche Diskrepanz. Bürgerinnen fordern solche Systeme dringend, um die Kommunikation mit Gesundheitseinrichtungen effizienter, schneller und transparenter zu gestalten. Gleichzeitig müssen auch die Gesundheitseinrichtungen ihre Interaktion mit den Nutzerinnen grundlegend optimieren und an aktuelle Bedürfnisse anpassen. Bestehende Gesundheitsplattformen, wie etwa ELGA, haben bereits bedeutende Fortschritte in Richtung Kundenorientierung erzielt. Dennoch sind die Erwartungen an eine raschere und vor allem spürbarere Entwicklung hoch – und werden immer drängender. In dieser wissenschaftlich fundierten Diskussion beleuchten wir die Chancen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Zukunft der digitalen, nutzer*innenzentrierten Gesundheitskommunikation in Österreich.
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Michael Binder Medizinischer Direktor (CMO), Wiener Gesundheitsverbund |
Vorträge (je 15 min & Diskussion):
Sandra Heissenberger Magistratsdirektion der Stadt Wien, Geschäftsbereich Organisation & Sicherheit, Gruppe Prozessmanagement und IKT-Strategie (MD-OS/PIKT) |
Das Gesundheitsportal Wien (Arbeitstitel) |
Katja Österreicher Vinzenz Kliniken Wien GmbH |
Hallo Gesundheit (Arbeitstitel) |
Wolfgang Huf Wiener Gesundheitsverbund, Klinik Hietzing |
Gesundheitsportale - Perspektiven aus der Klinik |
Details follow soon. | Details follow soon. |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #3 - Interoperability, EHRs and Research Infrastructures
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #3
Interoperability, EHRs and Research Infrastructures
Chairs: Details follow soon.
- Towards Improved Trial Recruitment Through Patient/Citizen-Driven Data Donation of Electronic Health Records in Austria
Sofia OVEJERO, Carolina BEZZI, Saskia HUBER, Julia HARRER, Aaron LAUSCHENSKY and Klaus DONSA - Extracting LOINC Codes from a Laboratory Information System’s Index: Addressing Semantic Interoperability with Web Scraping
Benjamin KINAST, Joshua WIEDEKOPF, Hannes ULRICH and Björn SCHREIWEIS - FOX BOXes as Fundamental Enablers for EHR-Standardised Data Sharing - Building the Austrian Health Data Donation Space
Klaus DONSA, Patrick MANGESIUS, Aaron LAUSCHENSKY, Martin BAUMGARTNER, Nikola TANJGA, Stefan BEYER, Günter SCHREIER and Karl KREINER - Harmonization of Electronic Medical Records for Federated Learning: Addressing Challenges in International Healthcare Collaborations
Lena LORENZER, Michael SCHREMPF, Stefanie JAUK, Stefan KALABAKOV, Gladys PIERRI, Kátia Mitiko Firmino SUZUKI, Hilton Vicente CÉSAR, Diether KRAMER, Paulo MAZZONCINI DE AZEVEDO-MARQUES and Peter RAINER - Personal Health Data Spaces in Decentralized Content-Addressable Storage Networks: An Alternative and Vital Contribution to Health Record Banks
Toomas KLEMENTI, Igor BOSSENKO and Gunnar PIHO - Assuring End-to-End Data Quality for Analytics on FHIR
Jasmin ZIEGLER, Clara FISCHER, Paul-Christian VOLKMER, Marcel ERPENBECK, Jonathan M. MANG, Thomas GANSLANDT, Hans-Ulrich PROKOSCH and Christian GULDEN
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
16:45 – 17:00
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
17:00 – 18:30

Plenary Session
Chairs: Details follow soon.
Keynote 2: Hannes Werthner – “Digital Humanism – About AI and Digitalization“
Keynote 2
Digital Humanism – About AI and Digitalization
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Hannes Werthner
Professor Emeritus
Technical University of Vienna
Hannes Werthner is a retired Computer Science Professor at the TU Wien, Austria, where he also served as the Dean of the faculty of Informatics. Prior to joining TU Wien, he had professorships at Austrian and international Universities. His research is in several fields such as Decision Support Systems, E-Commerce, E-Tourism and Recommender Systems. Besides research and teaching he is active in starting new initiatives, such as the Vienna PhD School of Informatics and the i2c (Informatics Innovation Center). In the area of E-Tourism, the International Federation for IT and Tourism (IFITT) grants the “Hannes Werthner Tourism and Technology Lifetime Achievement Award” to outstanding academics and/or professionals in the field.
He carefully observes how computer science and information technology are changing the world and us. This is his motivation for Digital Humanism, where he organized the Vienna Workshop of Digital Humanism, and he initiated the Vienna Manifesto in 2019. As a key figure of the initiative he co-edited the two books “Perspectives on Digital Humanism” and “Introduction to Digital Humanism”, with over one million downloads.
Keynote 3
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
18:30 – 19:00
Change of Venue
Tuesday (May 6), Day 1
19:00 – 22:30
Networking Event
Networking Event
Relaxed get-together after Day 1
Location: 10er Marie (Ottakringer Straße 222-224, 1160 Vienna)
The networking event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the conference attendees in a relaxed setting after a long and intensive day of presentations, workshops and information. This event is at an authentic and traditional kind of Austrian restaurant (called “Heuriger”). This is your chance to talk to everyone, have a glass of wine, eat delicious traditional meals (e.g. schnitzel, pork roast, sauerkraut, …) and recharge for the next day. Do not miss it, this is generally considered one of the highlights! Here is an impression from a past conference:
Please note: You have to additionally register for this networking event. This is not included in the normal registration fee and not done automatically when registering for the conference.
There will be a free organised transport from the conference venue to the restaurant. Transportation back home afterwards to your accomodation is done individually.
All information can be found here: FAQs
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Day 2
Wednesday, May 7th, 2025
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
08:45– 10:15

EHDS - Stakeholder Expectations
Gesundheit Österreich GmbH & AUVA
A. Degelsegger-Márquez, T. Mück
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Digital Twins &
Patient Journey
Österreichische Ärztekammer
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #4 - Decision Support, Machine Learning and AI
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #4
Decision Support, Machine Learning and AI
Chairs: Details follow soon.
- It’s All About Specific Features: Development of Prediction Models for Key Geriatric Risks Across Three Hospital Providers
Julian GUTHEIL, Philip STAMPFER and Diether KRAMER - Development of a Patient Dashboard in a Clinical Decision Support System for Primary Care
Michaela Christina NEFF, Jannik SCHAAF, Dania SCHÜTZE and Holger STORF - Knowledge Uncertainty Estimation for Reliable Clinical Decision Support: A Delirium Risk Prognosis Case Study
Adrian LINDENMEYER, Sai VEERANKI, Stefan FRANKE, Thomas NEUMUTH, Diether KRAMER and Daniel SCHNEIDER - A Neural Network for Atrial Fibrillation Detection via PPG
Rishad HOWLADER, Monika JURGEC, Andrea SCHIMANKO, Christopher DOHNAL, Anne BUSCH, Martin BAUMGARTNER, Fabian WIESMÜLLER, Aaron LAUSCHENSKY, Dieter HAYN and Günter SCHREIER - Outpatient Scheduling with Genetic Algorithm: The Power of Mutation Operators
Veronika GOMBÁS, Péter Bálint SCSIBRÁN, Tibor DULAI and Ágnes VATHY-FOGARASSY - Developing a User-Centric System for Hospital-Onset Bacteremia Risk Assessment and Visualization: An Integrated Requirements Analysis Approach
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
10:15- 11:00
Coffee Break & Scientific Session #5: Poster Session
Scientific Session #5
Poster Session
- Adherence to Guidelines Supported by Process Mining
Klaus ARTHOFER - A SMART on FHIR Conformant Infrastructure for Recording Patient Reported Outcomes Based on Open-Source Components
Yannick KÖRBER, Florian KATSCH, Tanja STAMM and Georg DUFTSCHMID - Identifying Caregiver Needs for EHR Functionalities: Insights from a Comprehensive Large Scale Nationwide Study
Daniela PICHLER, René BARANYI and Thomas GRECHENIG - Standardizing Heat-Related Diagnoses for Predictive Modeling in Healthcare
Jakob THIEL, Martin SEDLMAYR and Elisa HENKE - Climate Change, Vectors, and Public Health: Predicting Future Disease Risks in the Federal State Tyrol
Alexandra SCHWAIGER, Sabrina NEURURER, Werner O. HACKL, Hasan TAHA, Marco SCHWEITZER, Martin DANLER and Bernhard PFEIFER - Design of a Decision Support System for Chronic Pain Management to Support and Empower Nursing Professionals
Daiana Denisa DEMARCSEK, Barbara KRÖBER, Stefanie SCHRIEBL, Stephanie FREYDL, Bernhard NEUMAYER, Angela LIBISELLER, Philip STAMPER and Stefan HOCHWARTER - Requirements for an Instrument to Identify Context Factors for Enhancing Context Sensitivity in CDSS
Katharina SCHULER, Ian-C. JUNG, Maria ZERLIK, Martin SEDLMAYR and Brita SEDLMAYR - Virtual Reality with Moodle for Training in Telemedicine
Andrea CATTANEO, Anna SAVODELLI, Amin AMROUSSI, Maria Sofia CAVALLO, Debora PESENTI, Maria RAGAZZI, Cristian ROTA and Andrea VITALI - cMOOC Recommendations to Enhance AI Literacy Among Healthcare Professionals
Bianca BUCHGRABER-SCHNALZER, Marco TILLI, Rupert BEINHAUER, Waltraud JELINEK-KRICKL, Raphaele RAAB, Klaus LICHTENEGGER, Michael HAMMER, Gernot REISHOFER and Helmut RITSCHL - Integration of Digital Tools into Clinical Reasoning Education: A Rapid Review
Elske AMMENWERTH and Laura ZWAN - Nursing Informatics Education: Needs Analysis and Curriculum Design
Elske AMMENWERTH, Hadas LEWY, Walter DE CARO and Vered ROBINZON - Real-Time Communication Infrastructure for Mixed Reality in Home Care: A Comparative Case Report of Three Approaches
Cornelia SCHNEIDER, Philipp KOLMANN and Philipp RAMEDER - Shared Achievements: Exploring the Design of Gameful Collaborative Elements and Fostering Social Relatedness through Team Effort Contributions in a Social Physical Activity Application
Faith YOUNG, Dmitry ALEXANDROVSKY, Daniela WURHOFER, Eva-Maria KRAH and Jan D. SMEDDINCK - Active Waiting: Facilitating Short Bouts of Exercise During Idle Times for Promoting Physical Activity in Daily Living
Daniela WURHOFER, Magdelena MAISLINGER, Eva-Maria KRAH, Stefan T. KULNIK, Gunnar TREFF, Michael NEUDORFER, Faith YOUNG and Josef NIEBAUER - Evaluation of the “ActiveWaiting App”: A Waitlist-Control Pilot Study
Andrea GREISBERGER, Daniela WURHOFER, Alireza FATEHI, Jan David SMEDDNICK and Stefan Tino KULNIK - Mobile Health Technology in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Exploratory Field Study
Stefan Tino KULNIK, Belinda BÖHM, Isabel HÖPPCHEN, Antonia LINDNER, Lisa SEIRINGER, Daniela WURHOFER, Ferdinand OTTO and Peter WIPFLER - Using a Logic Model to Explore Seniors' Interactions with a Coaching Robot
Michelle BINDEL, Markus SCHWAIGER, Elske AMMENWERTH and Cornelia SCHNEIDER - A Learning Agent for Stress Multi-Level Diagnostics, Personalised Stress Profiles and Interventions in the Work Context
Oliver JUNG, Mathias SCHMOIGL-TONIS, Christoph SCHRANZ, Beatrix Julia KUNAS, Anton-Rupert LAIREITER, Julian MEHLIS and Michael BEER - Application of Micro Design Patterns in Co-Design Workshops Using PROM Visualizations as an Example
Maria ZERLIK, Ian-C. JUNG, Katharina SCHULER and Caroline GLATHE - Empowering Nursing Care Through Digital Innovation
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
11:00 – 12:30
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
EHDS - Privacy-Preserving Secondary Use
FH Technikum Wien & AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
S. Sauermann, K. Kreiner

AI im Krankenhaus
Gesundheit Burgenland
F. Öller
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #6 - dHealth in Health-associated Application Scenarios
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #6
dHealth in Health-associated Application Scenarios
Chairs: Details follow soon.Presentations:
- Monitoring Respiratory Rehabilitation with YOLO Pose: Usability and Accuracy Assessment of a Mobile App for Spirometer Tracking
Davide FERRARI, Pietro BELOTTI, Andrea FORCELLA, Lorenzo LECCHI, Nicola SANA, Silvia MARIANI, Giovanni MARCHETTO and Andrea VITALI - Exploring Serious Games Within the Physio and Ergotherapeutic Usage: Insights into their Acceptance Based on Actual Applications
René BARANYI, Katharina WEINDL, Christoph AIGNER, Carina ARNBERGER, Dominik HOELBLING, Werner HOERNER and Thomas GRECHENIG - A Preliminary Evaluation of a VR Application for Associative Memory and Cognitive Rehabilitation
Prince AMPOFO, Andrea VITALI, Francesca MORGANTI, Caterina RIZZI and Daniele REGAZZONI - Needs Assessment for an Assistance System for the Visually Impaired and Blind in Climbing and Bouldering
Felicitas BRAUN, Jana STADLBAUER, Sonja HAUG and Viola SCHNEIDER - Establishing FHIR Appointment Management in a Daycare Unit for Eating Disorders
Angelika RZEPKA, Kerstin RUDOLF, Dalia HAEMMERLE, Kurt EDEGGER, Patrick MAYR, Christine BRUGGER, Nina BAUMGARTNER, Peter KASTNER and Günter SCHREIER - Telemedicine for Ketogenic Dietary Treatment in Epilepsy and Inherited Metabolic Diseases: Survey of Health Care Professionals
Alexander HÖLLER, Anna Katharina SCHÖNLAUB, Charlotte UHLISCH, Paul KLINGLER, Stefan WELTE, Bernhard PFEIFER, Günter SCHREIER, Sabine SCHOLL-BÜRGI and Anastasia MALE-DRESSLER
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
13:30 – 15:00
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Digital Health Start-Ups
LISAVienna & HTS
P. Hainzl, P. Mülner

Onkologie & Digital Health
UMIT Tirol & telbiomed GmbH
B. Tilg, R. Modre-Osprian
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #7 - Hospital Information Systems, EHRs and Public Health
Details follow soon.
Scientific Session #7
Hospital Information Systems, EHRs and Public Health
Chairs: Details follow soon.
- VIDi - A Build-Measure-Learn Honed Visualization of the International Patient Summary
Nikola TANJGA and Hannah VINATZER - Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Potential Sick Leave in the Federal State of Tyrol
Sabrina B. NEURURER, Alexandra SCHWAIGER, Werner O. HACKL, Hasan TAHA, Marco SCHWEITZER, Andreas WALKER, Martin DANLER and Bernhard PFEIFER - Towards the Austrian Patient Summary: Standards and Cross-Border Integration
Emmanuel HELM, Gabriel KLEINOSCHEG and Birgit SCHOLZ - Prototype Development of a FHIR-based Electronic Patient Care Report App to Support Paramedics in Rwanda
Bianca BUCHGRABER-SCHNALZER, Hannes HILBERGER, Simone HUBER, Theresa WEITLANER, Rebecca THOMAS and Roland MAIER - Transforming Infectious Waste Management Through Digital Dashboards: The Napalai Hospital Experience, Thailand
Siwaporn CHIMPHOKLANG, Jindawan WIBULOUTAI, Saowaluk SEEDAKETb Ruchakron KONGMANT, Le Ke NGHIEP and Niruwan TURNBULL - IT-Report Healthcare: Measuring the long run to information continuity across settings
Jana STRATE, Annika HERING, Jan-David LIEBE and Ursula H. HÜBNER
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee Break
Wednesday (May 7), Day 2
15:15 – 16:00
Closing Session 
Chairs: Details follow soon.
Award Ceremony
Closing Keynote
Conference Closing