Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
09:00 – 10:30
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte
Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
G. Gredinger
Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von Digital Health
Die Session Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von digital Health gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Praxisbeispiele und Herangehensweisen an Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen aus ökonomischer Perspektive.
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Gerald Gredinger Health Expert, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
Vorträge (je 15 min & 5 min Diskussion):
Beate Jahn Associate Professor Institute of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment UMIT TIROL – University for Health Sciences and Technology |
Gesundheitsökonomie weiter gedacht - Integration von kurz und langfristiger Evidenz und verschiedenen Blickwinkeln |
Noemi Kiss Österreichische Gesundheitskasse Competence Center Integrierte Versorgung |
Digitalisierte PROMs und PREMs-Erhebung für patientenzentrierte Gesundheitsdaten |
Birgit Trukeschitz Forschungsinstitut für Alterökonomie, WU Wien |
Bringen Fitness-Apps was? - Die Effektivität von Fitness Apps für Senior*innen |
Tobias Polzer & Selin Öner Kula Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Accountability in Collaborative Public Governance in Times of Crisis. Analysis of the Discussion about a Digital Public Health Innovation in a Polarised Social Forum |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Cybersecurity in Healthcare
R. Scharinger,
F. Hoheiser-Pförtner
Cybersecurity in Healthcare
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Robert Scharinger Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, Leitung "Gesundheitstelematik und Förderwesen" (Gruppe VI/B) |
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Franz Hoheiser-Pförtner Stadt Wien | Wien Digital, Certified Information Systems Security Professional |
Nach einer einleitenden Begrüßung durch die Moderatoren (ca. 5 min) hören Sie die folgenden Vorträge:
Christof Tschohl Research Institute AG & Co KG, Research Director |
Federated Machine Learrning – „Security by Design" am Beispiel des EU Projekts featurecloud.eu (30 min) |
Markus Hoffmann Leitung Stabsstelle Integriertes Management-System; Leitung Austrian Health CERT Martin Habermayer |
Austrian Health CERT – „Die Vertrauens-Drehscheibe“ im Gesundheitsbereich (30 min) |
Andreas Blaßnig-Kräuter Chief Information Security Officer, ELGA GmbH |
Cyber-Risiko-Analyse – „Die Anamnese für das digitale Gesundheitswesen“ (ca. 25 min) |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #1:
User perspectives on dHealth solutions
E. Ammenwerth, A. Ziegl
Scientific Session #1
User perspectives on dHealth solutions
Elske Ammenwerth, Andreas Ziegl
- User Personas for a “Better Design” of Nation-wide EHRs based on Thorough Expert Evaluation and Field Analysis: Modeling Users as Individuals plus Family Members for an Enhanced Mapping of Healthcare Situations
Daniela GLATZ, Alexander ZEIRINGER, Johannes HARMS, René BARANYI, Karin KAPPEL and Thomas GRECHENIG - Should We Better Stick to Pen and Paper? An Empirical Investigation on Functionality, Privacy and Data-security of Physiotherapy Telehealth Applications.
Lukas MAUL, Ines KRAMER, Lena RETTINGER and Franz WERNER - Understanding IT in Healthcare: Relevance and Training Needs of IT in Private Medical Practice
Marco SCHWEITZER, Werner O. HACKL, Sabrina B. NEURURER and Bernhard PFEIFER - Agile eHealth Usability Evaluation:
a Triangulative Approach to Promoting the Usability of eHealth Systems
Irina SINABELL and Elske AMMENWERTH - Acceptance of Telepresence Robotics, Telecare and Teletherapy Among Stroke Patients, Relatives and Therapy Staff
Edda CURRLE and Sonja HAUG - Unpacking Sociotechnical Discourses on Telehealth Use and Data Protection: A Path towards Digital Health Value Creation
Javad POOL, Farhad FATEHI, Salma SHARIFI, Morteza NAMVAR and Saeed AKHLAGHPOUR
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
11:00 – 12:30

Opening Session
Opening address: Johannes Rauch [via video message] (Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection)
Opening Keynote: Joe Lennerz – “Breaking Boundaries: Harnessing AI in Healthcare for Transatlantic Data Exchange and Integrated Diagnostics“
Opening Keynote
Breaking Boundaries: Harnessing AI in Healthcare for Transatlantic Data Exchange and Integrated Diagnostics
Joe Lennerz
Chief Scientific Officer,
Joe Lennerz, MD, PhD is the Chief Scientific Officer at BostonGene. In this capacity, Dr. Lennerz is responsible for management of the product lifecycle, optimizing data utilization, and overseeing regulatory science initiatives. The role is pivotal in supporting BostonGene’s position as a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for molecular-genetic and immune profiling in the field.
Before BostonGene, Dr. Lennerz served as the Associate Chief of Pathology and the Medical Director of the Center for Integrated Diagnostics at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. His leadership focused on overseeing all aspects of personalized diagnostics and ensuring the rapid and financially cognizant integration of innovative technologies into clinical practice.
Dr. Lennerz completed his MD and a PhD in molecular medicine at the University of Erlangen, Germany. He trained at Washington University and MGH and is dual board certified by the American Board of Pathology (AP) and the American Board of Medical Genetics (MGP).
Dr. Lennerz's expertise extends to regulatory science, molecular-genetic biomarkers, payer operations, and the financial sustainability of high-complexity diagnostics. He served as the principal investigator in the first FDA instrument precision study for a whole slide scanning system. His dedication to advancing healthcare and diagnostics is evident through his multifaceted contributions in academia, regulatory science, and personalized medicine.
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
13:30 – 15:00
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
EHDS from Primary to Secondary Use
Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) & AIT
R. Ladenstein, K. Kreiner
EHDS - From Primary to Secondary Use of Healthcare Data
The session will deal with concepts, projects and tools to facilitate the re-use of healthcare data (primary use) for research (secondary use).
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Ruth Ladenstein Professor of Pediatrics, Senior Consultant in Pediatric Oncology, Childrens Cancer Research Institute, St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung; Head of the Clinical Trials Unit S2IRP-CCRI (Studies & Statistics for Integrated Research and Projects); ERN PaedCan Coordinator |
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Karl Kreiner Senior Research Engineer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH |
The talks are followed by a 20 min moderated discussion.
Klaus Donsa & Stefan Beyer AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH |
Towards citizen-based donation of EHR data for research in Austria - the SmartFOX flagship project (20 min) |
Rada Hussein Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention Lukas Rohatsch |
The IDERHA Project - Overview & plan for EHDS alignment (20 min) |
Michaela Topolnik EIT Health Austria GmbH |
EIT Health Think Tank Round Table Series on Implementing the EHDS - Austrian and Pan-European Results (10 min) (Sponsor talk) |
Herwig Loidl Jürgen Brandstätter |
The EHDS and IHE - helping to bridge primary and secondary use of healthcare data (10 min) (Sponsor talk) |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
ELGA - neue Funktionen
S. Sabutsch
ELGA - neue Funktionen
ELGA entwickelt sich weiter - neue Funktionen werden vorgestellt und die Herausforderungen in Hinblick auf Technik, Standards und Terminologien diskutiert.
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Stefan Sabutsch Geschäftsführung, ELGA GmbH |
Emmanuel Helm ELGA GmbH |
Patient Summary & Integrierte Versorgung (20 min + 5 min Diskussion) |
Alexander Dimitrov ELGA GmbH |
FHIR in der ELGA Architektur (20 min + 5 min Diskussion) |
Gabriel Kleinoscheg ELGA GmbH |
CDA2FHIR (12 min + 3 min Diskussion) |
Annatina Foppa ELGA GmbH |
SNOMED CT in ELGA (12 min + 3 min Diskussion) |
Birgit Scholz ELGA GmbH |
e-Impfdoc und e-Impfpass Updates (7 min + 3 min Diskussion) |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #2:
Patient-centred solutions
B. Pfeifer, A. Rzepka
Scientific Session #2
Patient-centred solutions
Bernhard Pfeifer, Angelika Rzepka
- Unveiling the Surge: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Stimulating Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Telemedicine and Its Academic Landscape
Werner O. HACKL, Sabrina B. NEURURER and Bernhard PFEIFER - Relationship Between Dietary Intakes and Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure among Children: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Wearable Devices
Kukiat TUDPOR, Panthicha CHINNAKHOT, Montira BOONSORN, Wiriyaporn LOMTHAISONG, Worrameth KAREECHUM, Charnyuth SRIPHUWONG, Le Ke NGHIEP and Niruwan TURNBULL - A Standardized Treatment Pathway for Telehealth-Based Care of Chronic Wounds in Austria
Hannah VINATZER, Angelika RZEPKA, Barbara BINDER, Viktoria GRUBER, Rainer HOFMANN-WELLENHOF, Patrick MAYR, Peter KASTNER, Alexander HÖLLER and Günter SCHREIER - Telemedicine for Ketogenic Dietary Treatment in Refractory Epilepsy and Inherited Metabolic Disease: State of Play and Future Perspectives
Alexander HÖLLER, Stefan WELTE, Anna Katharina SCHÖNLAUB, Charlotte UHLISCH, Sabine SCHOLL-BÜRGI, Anastasia MALE-DRESSLER, Bernhard PFEIFER and Günter SCHREIER - CareNet Tyrol - Information System Success Assessment for Case & Care Management Service
Sabrina B. NEURURER, Raphael KLEIN, Bernhard PFEIFER, Gabi SCHIESSLING, Eva SCHULC, Chiara MESSINA, Kristina REITER, Angelika RZEPKA and Peter KASTNER - Transforming Tele-Ophthalmology: Utilizing Cloud Computing for
Remote Eye Care
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
15:15 – 16:45

Sekundärnutzung von Gesundheitsdaten
A. Degelsegger-Márquez, T. Mück
Sekundärnutzung von Gesundheitsdaten
Chancen, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven
Gesundheitsdaten sind nicht nur für die Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten essentiell, sondern sind, ohne identifizierenden Personenbezug, auch für die evidenzbasierte Steuerung des Gesundheitswesens sowie für Forschung und Innovation von großer Relevanz. Diese Session widmet sich der Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen eine Sekundärnutzung von Gesundheitsdaten ermöglicht werden kann und soll, und welche ergänzenden Maßnahmen nötig sind (im Bereich der Rechtsgrundlagen, Ethik, Technik, Organisation). Wir freuen uns auf Inputs von Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereichen Gesundheitspolitik, Recht und Forschung.
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Thomas Mück Stellvertreter des leitenden Angestellten, Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA) |
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Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Head of Department for International Affairs, Policy, Evaluation and Digitalisation (IPED) & Head of Digital Health and Innovation |
Vorträge (je 15 min + 5 min Diskussion) gefolgt von einer abschließenden Diskussion (ca. 10 min):
Details follow soon. | Sekundärnutzung im Europäischen Gesundheitsdatenraum |
Franz Leisch Praevenire, ÖGTelemed |
Gesundheitsdaten in Österreich - Potentiale und Realität |
Clemens Stadler Jank Weiler Operenyi Rechtsanwälte | Deloitte Legal |
Ausgewählte rechtliche Fragen zur Sekundärnutzung |
Tanja Stamm Medizinische Universität Wien |
(Arbeitstitel) Sekundärnutzung - die Sicht der Forschung |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Gesundheitsportale – Nutzen für Patientinnen und Patienten
Wiener Gesundheitsverbund
M. Binder
Nutzen für Patientinnen und Patienten
Gesundheitsportale gewähren Patientinnen und Patienten direkten Zugriff auf medizinische Informationen, erleichtern die Kommunikation mit Gesundheitsdienstleistern und unterstützen die aktive Teilhabe an der eigenen Gesundheitsversorgung. Sie vereinfachen die Terminvereinbarung und ermöglichen unkomplizierten Zugang zu persönlichen Gesundheitsdaten. Dennoch sind nicht alle Hürden beseitigt: Gesundheitsdaten sind häufig in isolierten Systemen gespeichert. Zudem erfordern Datenschutzbedenken und Risiken wie Informationsüberflutung oder Fehlinformationen von den Patientinnen und Patienten ein hohes Maß an Gesundheitskompetenz.
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Michael Binder Medizinischer Direktor (CMO), Wiener Gesundheitsverbund |
Vorträge (je 15 min & 5 min Diskussion):
Sandra Heissenberger Magistratsdirektion der Stadt Wien, Geschäftsbereich Organisation & Sicherheit, Gruppe Prozessmanagement und IKT-Strategie (MD-OS/PIKT) |
Der Wiener Weg zu einer integrierten Gesundheitsplattform |
Manuel Ratzinger NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur |
Roadmap des Gesundheitsportals der NÖ LGA |
Alexander Kollmann David Maurer |
Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen in Salzburg - ein Bericht aus der Praxis (Partnerbeitrag) |
Günter Rauchegger | Gesundheitsplattformen - wo bleibt der Konsens |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #3:
Finals of the student competitions
K. Denecke, G. Duftschmied
Scientific Session #3
Finals of the student competitions
Kerstin Denecke, Georg Duftschmied
- DiGA in Primary Care and the Influence of Patient-related Factors - Results of a Survey of Family Doctors
Anna-Lena BRECHER, Julia HERRGEN and Tobias MUELLER - Automated Clinical Trial Cohort Definition and Evaluation with CQL and CDS-Hooks
Anja SCHWAB, Anna M. LIN and Stephan WINKLER - The Evolution of Telehealth in Heart Failure Management: The Role of Large Language Models and HerzMobil as a Potential Use Case
Hillary FARMER, Karl KREINER, Thomas SCHÜTZ, Gerhard PÖLZL, Christian PUELACHER and Günter SCHREIER - Exploring the Environmental Impact of Telemedicine: A Life Cycle Assessment
Anna SAVOLDELLI, Daniele LANDI and Caterina RIZZI - A Sustainable Approach to Telerehabilitation in Europe: Patients are Ready, but Caregivers are Essential
Andrea CATTANEO, Andrea VITALI, Daniele REGAZZONI and Caterina RIZZI
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
16:45 – 17:00
Coffee Break
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
17:00 – 18:30

Plenary Session
Chairs: Bernhard Pfeifer, Günter Schreier
Keynote 2: Sylvia Thun – “Digital Health Research Infrastructure in Germany – EHDS-compatible”
Keynote 2
Digital Health Research Infrastructure in Germany – EHDS-compatible
Sylvia Thun
Director, Core Unit eHealth and Interoperability (CEI), Charité Berlin
Sylvia Thun is a university professor, licensed physician and biomedical engineer. She has been Director of E-Health and Interoperability at Stiftung Charité's Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) since 2018. In fall 2021, she was appointed to a W3 professorship at BIH@Charité for life. Thun conducts research into the use of research data and topics such as electronic health records and electronic prescriptions and is an expert in national and international IT standards in the healthcare sector. She heads the Digital Radar Hospital project, which measures digital maturity, and the InteropCouncil, the national expert committee for interoperability.
Thun is chairwoman of the umbrella organization IT Standards in Healthcare (SITiG), which was founded in early 2017, and is a (board) member and participant in numerous working groups, projects and organizations dealing with medical standardization (e.g. HL7 Germany, IHE Germany, IDDG, DIN Technical Committee for Medical Informatics, ISO TC 215, Horizon 2020). In the EU project epSOS (Smart open Services for European Patients), which ran from 2008 to 2014 and was dedicated to the EU-wide standardization of an electronic patient record and an e-prescription, she headed the working group that dealt with the semantic level of interoperability between IT systems in the healthcare sector.
In 2014, she was named one of Germany's "Digital Minds" in an initiative by the German Informatics Society and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In 2015, she founded the #SHEHEALTH (Women in Digital Health) network together with Christiane Groß, Chairwoman of the German Medical Women's Association.
She contributed the chapters on her areas of specialization to the practical handbook Integrated Treatment Pathways and the practical handbook IT in Healthcare and continues to be the author of numerous publications.
(from: https://change4rare.com/experte/prof-dr-sylvia-thun/)
Keynote 3: Sze-Yuan Ooi – “Implementing Virtual Health in South Eastern Sydney: a paradigm shift in the delivery of healthcare”
Keynote 3
Implementing Virtual Health in South Eastern Sydney: a paradigm shift in the delivery of healthcare
An ageing population, rising levels of obesity. increasing medical complexity and the increased cost of healthcare delivery have placed an enormous strain on our healthcare systems. The way we currently deliver care is unsustainable. In this talk, Sze-Yuan explores some of the initiatives South Eastern Sydney has embarked upon to change models of care to improve efficiency and patient outcomes.
Sze-Yuan Ooi
Director of the Coronary Care Unit & Senior Staff Specialist, Prince of Wales Hospital;
Conjoint Professor, University of New South Wales Sydney;
Clinical Lead for Connected Health, Tyree Institute for Health Engineering (UNSW)
Sze-Yuan Ooi is a procedural cardiologist and a clinician researcher with extensive clinical experience and expertise in the fields of coronary intervention and cardiac device implantation, including novel implantable cardiac devices and remote monitoring technologies. He is a Senior Staff Specialist at the Prince of Wales Hospital and the current Director of the Coronary Care Unit.
Sze-Yuan holds a Conjoint Professor position with UNSW Sydney and is the Clinical Lead for Connected Health, Tyree Institute for Health Engineering UNSW Sydney. His research interests include novel device technologies and digital health innovations including mHealth and the utilization of routinely collected health data.
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
18:30 – 19:00
Change of Venue
Tuesday (May 7), Day 1
19:00 – 22:30
Networking Event
Networking Event
Relaxed get-together after Day 1
Location: 10er Marie (Ottakringer Straße 222-224, 1160 Vienna)
The networking event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the conference attendees in a relaxed setting after a long and intensive day of presentations, workshops and information. This event is at an authentic and traditional kind of Austrian restaurant (called “Heuriger”). This is your chance to talk to everyone, have a glass of wine, eat delicious traditional meals (e.g. schnitzel, pork roast, sauerkraut, …) and recharge for the next day. Do not miss it, this is generally considered one of the highlights! Here is an impression from a past conference:
Please note: You have to additionally register for this networking event. This is not included in the normal registration fee and not done automatically when registering for the conference.
There will be a free organised transport from the conference venue to the restaurant. Transportation back home afterwards to your accomodation is done individually.
All information can be found here: FAQs
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Day 2
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
08:45– 10:15
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Digital Health Startups
LISAVienna & HTS & Standortagentur Tirol
P. Hainzl, P. Mülner, P. Stöckl
Digital Health Startup Slam
Spotlights auf Startups aus Österreich
Wer gestaltet die Welt von morgen mit? Wir präsentieren Ihnen Startup-Unternehmen aus Wien, Graz und Innsbruck, die verschiedene Herausforderungen des Gesundheitswesens digital adressieren – von KI-basierten Diagnosemöglichkeiten bis zu Neurofeedback und vieles mehr. Bleiben Sie informiert – hören Sie rein!
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Pascal Mülner Stellvertretender Geschäftsführer, Human Technology Styria |
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Philipp Hainzl Geschäftsführer, LISAVienna |
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Petra Stöckl Programm Managerin Life Sciences, Standortagentur Tirol |
Vorträge (je 10 min + 2-3 min Diskussion):
Paul Kressnik Brainhero GmbH |
Brainhero: making neurotechnology available to ameliorate adverse symptoms in patients with Autism or ADHD |
Markus Haider emergo technologies GmbH |
KI Assistenten im Healthcare-Bereich |
Jakob Pieber PH Predicting Health GmbH |
Von Daten zu Taten, proaktive Behandlung durch KI-gestützte Risikoprognosen |
Christoph Götz IB LAB GmbH |
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) für die muskuloskelettalen Bildgebung - neue Ansätze für Orthopädie und Radiologie |
Roman Weger syndena GmbH |
Driving Insights with Semi-Automatic Real-World Data Generation |
Christoph Schöggler Vertify GmbH |
Vertify GmbH ermöglicht erstmals automatische Interpretation von Augenbewegungen mit der Smartphonekamera |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Herausforderungen, Chancen und Grenzen von digitaler Medizin
Österreichische Ärztekammer
S. Bunda
Herausforderungen, Chancen und Grenzen von digitaler Medizin
Digitale Lösungen können die Gesundheitsversorgung unterstützen und ortsunabhängig den direkten Arzt-Patienten-Kontakt ergänzen. Die Österreichische Ärztekammer hat rund um das Thema ein attraktives Session-Programm zusammengestellt
Österreichweit wurden einige e-Health-Projekte bereits umgesetzt. Edith Arzberger, Projektleiterin eines Teledermatologieprojektes in der Steiermark, präsentiert, warum ihr Projekt Vorbildfunktion hat. Der Tiroler Allgemeinmediziner Momen Radi wird mit „HerzMobil Tirol“ ein weiteres Best-Practice-Projekt vorstellen. Vorträge von Johannes Zahrl, Kammeramtsdirektor der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Telemedizin sowie von Alexander Moussa, Leiter des ÖÄK-Referats für e-Health in Ordinationen, zu eHealth in der ärztlichen Regelversorgung runden das Programmpaket ab. Danach diskutieren Patientenanwältin Michaela Wlattnig, Johannes Pressl, neuer Präsident des Gemeindebundes, Peter Kostelka, Präsident des Pensionistenverbands Österreich, und Dietmar Bayer, Präsident der ÖGTelemed, zum Thema „Wie kommt Telemedizin in die Flächenversorgung?“
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Sascha Bunda Leitung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Österreichische Ärztekammer |
Vorträge (je 15 min):
Johannes Zahrl Österreichische Ärztekammer |
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Telemedizin |
Alexander Moussa Österreichische Ärztekammer |
e-Health in der ärztlichen Regelversorgung |
Edith Arzberger Österreichische Ärztekammer |
Teledermatologie Steiermark |
Momen Radi Österreichische Ärztekammer |
HerzMobil Tirol |
Die Session wird mit einer 30-minütigen Podiumsdiskussion abschließen. Folgende Teilnehmer:innen laden zu einer angeregten Diskussion mit dem Publikum ein:
- Dietmar Bayer
Österreichische Ärztekammer - Peter Kostelka
Präsident des Pensionistenverbandes Österreichs - Michaela Wlattnig
Präsidentin der Patientenanwaltschaft in Österreich - Johannes Pressl
Präsident Österreichischer Gemeindebund
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #4:
Language models
M. Baumgartner, R. Mischak
Scientific Session #4
Language Models
Martin Baumgartner, Robert Mischak
- Screening Automation in Systematic Reviews: Analysis of Tools and their Machine Learning Capabilities
Elias SANDNER, Christian GÜTL, Igor JAKOVLJEVIC and Andreas WAGNER - Large Language Model-based Evaluation of Medical Question Answering Systems: Algorithm Development and Case Study
Daniel REICHENPFADER, Philipp RÖSSLHUEMER and Kerstin DENECKE - Editing Physicians' Responses Using GPT-4 for Academic Research
Magdalena T. WEBER, Jannik SCHAAF, Holger STORF, Thomas O.F. WAGNER, Alexandra BERGER and Richard NOLL - Analysis of Critical Incident Reports using Natural Language Processing
Kerstin DENECKE and Helmut PAULA - Quality and effectiveness of AI tools for students and researchers for scientific literature review and analysis
Martin DANLER, Werner O. HACKL, Sabrina B. NEURURER and Bernhard PFEIFER
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
10:15- 11:00

Coffee Break & Scientific Session #5: Poster Session
Scientific Session #5
Poster Session
- Feasiblity of an Integrated Telemonitoring System for Home-recorded EEG with Automated AI-based EEG Analysis
Clemens LANG, Silvia WINKLER, Johannes KOREN, Gerhard GRITSCH, David POLLREISZ, Stefan KÖPL, Tilmann KLUGE and Christoph BAUMGARTNER - Neural Network-Based Prediction of Perceived Sleep Quality Through Wearable Device Data
Martin BAUMGARTNER, Manuel GRÖSSL, Raphaela HAUMER, Katharina POIMER, Flora PRANTL, Katharina WEICK, Markus FALGENHAUER, Stefan BEYER, Andreas ZIEGL, Aaron LAUSCHENSKY, Fabian WIESMÜLLER, Karl KREINER, Dieter HAYN and Günter SCHREIER - Exploring Opportunities for Clinical Data Warehouse Enhancement through Data Catalog Integration
Andreas WALKER, Werner O. HACKL and Bernhard PFEIFER - KIJANI: Designing a Physical Activity Promoting Collaborative Augmented Reality Game
Florian SCHWEIZER, Laura WILLINGER, Renate OBERHOFFER-FRITZ, Jan MÜLLER, Stephan JONAS and Lara Marie REIMER - Comparison of the Performance of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Subscription Channels
Nikola KIRILOV - Comparison of WebSocket and Hypertext Transfer Protocol for Transfer of Electronic Health Records
Nikola KIRILOV - Vivifying Knee Rehabilitation: SquatEmUp, a Serious Game Utilizing the Wii Fit Balance Board
René BARANYI, Marko ZIVOJINOVIC, Dominik HOELBLING, Christoph AIGNER, Werner HOERNER and Thomas GRECHENIG - Symbiosis of Technology and Ethics: Preliminary Results of an Inquiry into the Moral Dimensions in the Use of Robotic Systems in Patient Care
Carolin MIRBETH, Christoph OHNEBERG and Inge EBERL - Visualizing Study Profiles Using the GMDS Competency Catalog for Medical Informatics Programs
Elske AMMENWERTH, Peter HAAS and Oliver J. BOTT - HerzMobil Tirol PreOp – a Multidisciplinary Telemonitoring Project for Heart Failure Patients Prior to Cardiac Surgery
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
11:00 – 12:30
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Nursing Informatics
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pflegeinformatik (ÖGPI)
R. Nantschev, V. Redl,
D. Kraushofer
Nursing Informatics
Effiziente Pflegedokumentation: Projektbeispiele von Möglichkeiten und Voraussetzungen
Renate Nantschev Präsidentin, ÖGPI - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pflegeinformatik |
Viktoria Redl Vizepräsidentin, ÖGPI - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pflegeinformatik |
Doris Kraushofer Vizepräsidentin, ÖGPI - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pflegeinformatik |
Martin Studer Michaela Ziegler |
LEP-Interventionsklassifikation und HL7 FHIR (Partnerbeitrag) |
Katharina Lichtenegger Medizinische Universität Graz |
Digitalisierung und innovative Pflegeprozesse – mögliche Wege, um Pflegepersonen zu entlasten und befähigen |
Werner Hackl UMIT Tirol |
Dashboards für das Pflegecontrolling: Datenvisualisierung und Analyse für optimierte Pflegeprozesse |
Elisabeth Kleinheinz LIV - Landesinstitut für integrierte Versorgung Tirol |
Ein multidisziplinäres Versorgungsprogramm für Patient*innen mit Bluthochdruck |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Digital Health Services
Part 1 – Organization & eHealth
B. Tilg, A. Huber
Digital Health Services: Part 1
Organization & eHealth
Digital health and telemedical services are of substantial importance in health care. „Digital-vor-Ambulant-vor-Stationär" is a major program line in current health policy. In Part 1 of Digital Health Services we focus on organizational, eHealth and infrastructural aspects. Digital health platforms and processes will be presented by AIT and JR, followed by an overview about the German activities in telemedicine. Integrated care / HerzMobil at LIV Tirol for people suffering from Hypertension will be presented following by the „Gesundheitsberatung Wien 1450" and their telemedical services for optimizing patient care.
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Bernhard Tilg Vice Rector, UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology |
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Andreas Huber Director, Tyrolean Federal Institute for Integrated Care (LIV), Tirol Kliniken |
The talks are followed by a 20 min discussion moderated by Bernhard Tilg and Andreas Huber.
Anton Dunzendorfer Competence Unit Digital Health Information Systems, AIT Austrian Institute Of Technology |
Digital health platform - enabling new innovative digital healthcare (8 min + 2 min discussion) |
Franz Feichtner Institute for Biomedical Research and Technologies, Joanneum Research |
Digitalisation of core processes in healthcare: from research to practise (8 min + 2 min discussion) (Partnerbeitrag) |
Eimo Martens Klinikum rechts der Isar Technische Universität München |
Telemedicine centers for the care of chronically ill patients - care models of the future! (12 min + 3 min discussion) |
Andreas Huber Tyrolean Federal Institute for Integrated Care (LIV), Tirol Kliniken |
Telemedicine as a foundation for integrated care using the example of HerzMobil Tirol – Hypertension, a joint project by BVAEB and LIV Tirol (12 min + 3 min discussion) |
David Reif & Jennifer Stark Fonds Soziales Wien (Vienna Social Fund) |
"Gesundheitsberatung Wien 1450"- Optimizing patient care through telemedical services (12 min + 3 min discussion) |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #6:
AI, decision support and knowledge representation
D. Hayn, S. Neururer
Scientific Session #6
AI, decision support and knowledge representation
Dieter Hayn, Sabrina Neururer
- Supporting Well-being: Exploring the Value of a Digital Coach for Older Adults in the Transition from Work to Retirement
Katja NEUREITER, Leen BROECKX, Markus GARSCHALL, Kim HELSEN and Johannes KROPF - Generating Actionable Insights From Patient Medical Records and Structured Clinical Knowledge
Natasha TRAJKOVSKA, Michael ROISS, Sophie BAUERNFEIND, Mohammad ALNAJDAWI, Simone SANDLER, Daniel HERZMANEK, Matthias WINKLER, Michael HAIDER and Oliver KRAUSS - Will ‘Computable’ Clinical Guidelines be compatible with Personalised Care?
Jack DOWIE, Mette Kjer KALTOFT and Vije Kumar RAJPUT - Machine Learning-based Prediction of Malnutrition in Surgical In-patients: A Validation Pilot Study
Diether KRAMER, Stefanie JAUK, Sai VEERANKI, Michael SCHREMPF, Julia TRAUB, Eva KUGEL, Anna PRISCHING, Sandra DOMNANICH, Maria LEOPOLD, Peter KRISPER and Gerald SENDLHOFER - Infection Control through Clinical Pipelines Built with Arden Syntax MLM Building Blocks
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
13:30 – 15:00
Track 1 – Room Nr. 9
Artificial Intelligence im Gesundheitswesen
Gesundheit Burgenland
F. Öller
Artificial Intelligence im Gesundheitswesen
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Franz Öller Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer, Burgenländische Krankenanstalten- Gesellschaft |
Joana Sarah Grah Robert Koch Institut, Berlin - Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Research |
KI für Public Health mit Fokus auf Bildanalyse für die Infektionsforschung |
Michael Dahlweid Group Chief Product & Clinical Officer - Dedalus |
KI im Gesundheitswesen: Realitätscheck (Partnerbeitrag) |
Leonhard Riehle Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer - Noah Labs |
KI-basierte Stimmanalyse bei chronischen Herzinsuffizienz: Chance und Herausforderung |
Norman Zerbe |
KI in der Pathologie – Wo stehen wir und was sind die Herausforderungen für die Zukunft. |
Track 2 – Room Nr. 1
Digital Health Services
Part 2 – Clinical Medicine & Innovation
FH Technikum Wien & Telbiomed GmbH
S. Sauermann, R. Modre-Osprian
Digital Health Services: Part 2
Clinical Medicine & Innovation
Digital health is increasingly finding its way into healthcare and everyday medical practice. In Part 2 of Digital Health Services, clinical experts will present examples of digital health applications and their challenges in clinical medicine. In the final panel discussion, we will discuss from the clinician's perspective how innovations are finding their way into healthcare and give the auditorium the opportunity to join in the discussion.
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Stefan Sauermann Vice Rector, Program Director Medical Engineering & eHealth, UAS Technikum Wien |
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Robert Modre-Osprian CEO, telbiomed Medizintechnik und IT Service GmbH |
Presentations (12 min + 3 min discussion each):
The talks are followed by a 30 min discussion with the panel of speakers, moderated by Stefan Sauermann and Robert Modre-Osprian.
Gerhard Pölzl Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin III, Kardiologie und Angiologie, Tirol Kliniken GmbH |
Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in the Management of Heart Failure |
Sze-Yuan Ooi Department of Cardiology, Prince of Wales Hospital, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District |
Remote patient monitoring in the COVID-19 pandemic - lessons learnt |
Friedrich Köhler Zentrum für kardiovaskuläre Telemedizin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
Remote Patient Management in Heart Failure – from the clinical trials to the implementation in real world setting |
Daniela Kniepeiss Klinische Abteilung für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Medizinische Universität Graz |
Implementation of a mobile application for outpatient care after liver transplantation |
Track 3 – Room Nr. 8
Scientific Session #7:
Standards in health research and routine care
C. Schneider, M. Staemmler
Scientific Session #7
Standards in health research and routine care
Cornelia Schneider, Martin Staemmler
- Dual Implementation Guides in FHIR and CDA
Nikola TANJGA and Oliver KRAUSS - Towards an Electronic Health Prevention Record Based on HL7 FHIR and the OMOP Common Data Model
Markus FALGENHAUER, Aaron LAUSCHENSKY, Karl KREINER, Stefan BEYER, Kristina REITER, Andreas ZIEGL, Robert MODRE-OSPRIAN, Bernhard PFEIFER, Sabrina NEURURER, Susanne KRESTAN, Hanna WAGNER, Andreas HUBER, Sandra PLAIKNER, Sarah KUPPELWIESER, Martin WIDSCHWENDTER and Günter SCHREIER - Mapping the Bulgarian Diabetes Register to OMOP CDM: Application Results
Evgeniy KRASTEV, Emanuil MARKOV, Simeon ABANOS, Ralitsa KRASTEVA and Dimitar TCHARAKTCHIEV - Evaluation of a Digital Dementia Registry’s IT Architecture after a three-year Period in Practice: digiDEM Bayern
Michael ZEILER, Nikolas DIETZEL, Peter L. KOLOMINSKY-RABAS, Elmar GRAESSEL and Hans-Ulrich PROKOSCH - Enhancing Dementia Risk Mitigation: Standardized Digital Monitoring in Clinical Trials and Platform Design for At-Risk Elderly Individuals
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee Break
Wednesday (May 8), Day 2
15:15 – 16:00
Closing Session 
Chairs: Angelika Rzepka, Dieter Hayn
Award Ceremony
Closing Keynote: Hannah Gsell – “The last word belongs to the patients… does it?”
Closing Keynote
The last word belongs to the patients… does it?
Hannah Gsell
Patient Expert & Projects Coordinator,
Childhood Cancer International (CCI) - Europe;
Chairwoman, Survivors Austria – Childhood-Cancer-Survivors-Initiative
Hannah Gsell, MSc, is a psychologist and survivors-representative. As such, she is particularly concerned with integrating childhood cancer survivors into their own medical treatment to enable them to live self-determined lives with the consequences of the disease. She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of 14 and has been a patient advocate at the national level since 2011 and co-founded a regional, active survivors' group in Austria. Since the end of 2020 Hannah is co-founder and chair of the first independent childhood cancer survivors organization in Austria. In 2020 she started working for CCI Europe as patient expert and project manager. As such she is active in various european projects, as for example the EU-CAYAS-NET, the PanCareSurPass and SmartCare.
Conference Closing