dHealth – FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about the upcoming dHealth 2025

Location & Conference venue

If you arrive by plane, you can take the City Airport Train (CAT) from Vienna Airpot to Wien Mitte and continue with Metro Line U4 to Schönbrunn. See also City Airport Train (CAT).

Parking in Vienna is expensive and can be limited. Note that since March 2022, parking is associated with a fee and limited to 1-3h everywhere in Vienna. We suggest arriving by public transport. If you have to arrive by car, there is a new parking space opposite of the Schloss Schönbrunn (€4.20 per hour / €42.00 per day).

Public Transport:
Public transport is the most convient way to arrive at Schloss Schönbrunn. Closed stations are:

  • Metro U4: Schönbrunn (Exit Grünbergstraße)
  • Tram 10 or 58: Schönbrunn
  • Bus 10A: Schönbrunn

Participants are expected to arrange their accommodation by themselves.

Vienna has an extensive network of public transport and is generally considered to be the fastest way of getting around in Vienna. For this conference, the most suitable ticket is the EASY CityPass Wien, which allows you to use all means of public transport for 24h (€15.90), 48h (€21.90) or 72h (€26.90). You can buy these tickets either online or from any ticket office. Please note that this ticket is personalized and cannot be transferred to someone else. Please also be aware that this ticket is NOT valid for the City Airport Train (CAT).
There is also a ticket available for a whole week (€30.90) if you want to extend your stay and visit Vienna (valid Monday – Monday).


The event is taking place at the Apothekertrakt in the Schloss Schönbrunn. Please have a look at this map, if you have difficulties finding the venue:

The networking event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the conference attendees in a relaxed setting after a long and intensive day of presentations, workshops and information. This event is at an authentic and traditional kind of Austrian restaurant (called “Heuriger”). This is your chance to talk to everyone, have a glass of wine, eat delicious traditional meals (e.g. schnitzel, pork roast, sauerkraut, …) and recharge for the next day. Do not miss it, this is generally considered one of the highlights! Here is an impression from a past conference:

Only participants of the dHealth conference can attend this event for an extra charge of €75.00. This fee includes buffet and drinks (wine, juices and water).

Please note: You have to additionally register for this networking event. This is not included in the normal registration fee and not done automatically when registering for the conference.

dHealth offers a free shuttle service from the conference venue to the restaurant. Please follow the instructions at the conference to find your way to the bus. You can choose to go by public transport, but the distance is too far to walk by foot.

The trip home to the accomodation after the dinner is done individually. Most of public transport still operates at this time and a taxi stand is close by.


Discounts for the following 3 categories of participants are available:
  • Members of ÖGBMT, HL7, AAL Austria, EFMI or OCG will be granted a discount of € 30,- .
  • Employees of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
  • Groups (min. 8 participants).
These cannot be combined with student rates. For all information visit the registration information page.


Before registering to the conference, please send a short e-mail to office@dhealth.at and ask for a discount code for your corresponding discount. This code can be used in the conference registration process (“Code of Bonus Voucher”) and reduces the fee accordingly.

Accreditation of DFP points

To request DFP points, please send an e-mail to office@dhealth.at with the your request and provide your data (name and ÖÄK Ärztenummer). Please note that attendance at the dHealth is mandatory for receiving DFP points.

COVID-19 measures

COVID-19 protection measures change frequently. As of the time of writing (May 2022), no measures apply for events like dHealth. Despite this, we appeal to all participants to take reasonable precautions when attending the conference:

  • If you feel sick or show symptoms of illness, please consider staying home.
  • If a room becomes very full and safety distances cannot be kept, consider wearing a FFP2 mask. One FFP2 mask will be provided upon signing in to the conference.
  • Remember to wash your hands regularly with soap.

In Vienna in general the following measures are still active:

  • FFP2 masks must be worn in essential shops (e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, …), public transport and taxis.
  • 2G certification is only required for visits of healthcare institutions or similar facilities.