DHS 1.3 - Telemedizin - Tele-Dermatologie und Telerehabilitation 
Tuesday, May 28th 2019, 16:00-17:30
Edith Johanna Arzberger
Niedergelassene Dermatologin
Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof
Hautklinik Graz
Gernot Marx
The design of new technological applications in the medical field should be driven by real needs of the physicians and also the patient’s point of view has to be considered during the design process. Thus, putting the patient and medical personnel in the centre of the design process is the most important feature for successfully embedding new technologies in daily medical activities.
In this presentation, two research projects based on this approach are described.
The first one concerns digital motion acquisition to assess spinal cord injured (SCI) patients using a wheelchair. Physiotherapists and physicians are in charge of monitoring patients’ postures and movements in order to prevent wrong behaviours on the wheelchair that could cause further disorders (e.g., to shoulder). This research work introduces the way a low-cost marker-less motion capture system can be exploited to create an objective assessment procedure. A set of parameters have been selected in collaboration with the medical staff to identify and measure patients’ performance. An ad-hoc application has been developed to provide the physicians with a quantitative assessment of patients’ performance in an easy readable format.
The second project is relative to a web platform for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis during their rehabilitation processes at home. The whole project is based on open-source software development kits, which have been exploited for developing two web applications: one for the medical side and the other one for the patient side. Patients can perform rehabilitation exercises assigned by the physician through a mobile application, which gives all the useful information for performing the rehabilitation exercises at home. The physician can do several actions, which allow monitoring the way the patient performs the rehabilitation exercises. In particular, he/she is also able to generate new rehabilitation sessions composed by exercises that can be selected according to patient’s conditions.
Andrea Vitali
University of Bergamo
Dietmar Bayer